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EP 07 - Dealing With Depression as a Mum

The Roles of Faith & Science in Navigating & Overcoming Depression

I had the honour of speaking with Mum, writer of

and Mental Health Advocate about dealing with depression as a Mum for Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week.

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Chanel had struggled with depression since she was 11, although she didn’t know it at the time. We talked about her experience being committed to psychiatric care and how she overcame suicidal ideation. Her discovery of electromagnetic therapy was miraculous and one of the reasons she is free of depression. She spoke about the process in detail and how her faith has carried her through her struggle with depression from about the age of 19 till now. Knowing that God is with her always has been a solid rock.

I found it interesting the differences she described between depression before motherhood and postpartum depression and the fact that you do not need to wait till you’re in what society defines as a ‘crisis’ before you ask for help.

“When the coping mechanisms or strategies that once worked for you are no longer working, you are in crisis.'" -

There is so much depth and insight in this episode in regards to dealing with mental health illness as a Mum and as a Christian.

Enjoy the conversation!

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