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EP 03 - Re-discovering Yourself After Childbirth

Dealing with Loss of Identity as a New Mum

For many mothers, being utterly consumed by motherhood is normal. Motherhood, literally takes all of you, in every way, especially in the early years and especially without support. When we eventually come up for air, it’s no surprise that we no longer recognize ourselves.

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I remember one night I cried as I nursed my daughter. To say I was sleep-deprived is an understatement. I felt like I didn’t know who I was anymore. I almost felt like a stranger looking in. God reminded me that I’m first His daughter before anything else and that expression can look different as I mother, sing, write, create, and all the other gifts I carry within me. If mothering is taking the front stage right now, that does not diminish all the many parts of me. For example, a merry-go-round. The people on the horses at the back (or in whichever position you can’t see them) will eventually come round to the front. It’s only a matter of TIME.

Those things currently taking a back seat, will come back around. They’re not gone forever, even though sometimes, it feels that way when you’re in the trenches. But know this, it’s also ok if they don’t. You may find that the things atop them have changed or evolved as the horses come back around.

I love what Lily Adimefe, Marketing and Communications Manager and Mum of three boys, said about knowing yourself...really knowing yourself and who God says you are, who He has called you to be as an anchor, and not letting the dreams He has put in your heart die. Also, understanding how you express love for people is how you should show love to yourself.

For the new mamas struggling to re-discover yourselves, I hope this conversation between Lily and I will give you some insight and clarity on where and how to begin this journey of self-discovery.

Enjoy the conversation.

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